Council of Computer Education

Research & Training

An ISO Certified Organization


About CCERT:
CCERT (कंप्यूटर शिक्षा अनुसंधान एवं प्रशिक्षण परिषद) providing computer education in almost every state of India via authorised study centers. Council of Computer Education Research & Training (Regd.)  was registered with Govt. of Punjab State  in 2011 under S.R Act & working all over India. CCERT governed by it's own constitution & Bye Laws to assure & promote the quality in the Computer Education.
The council provides training in the fields of Computer & Information Technology, issue certificates & registration to pass out candidates through authorised "Study Centers" across India. The Council Affiliate the institution & issue guidelines itself to regulate Computer Education.
The Council complies ISO standard. The registered office is located at Ludhiana. Ludhiana is industrial & educational  hub of Northern India and also known as "Manchester of India"